Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Customer Service in Travel and tourism Essay

Communication skills is important an important part of the travel and tourism industry. It is important to use the appropriate methods of communication for a given situation. Communication takes place face-to-face, by telephone, in writing electronically (e-mail and fax). Face to face is dealing directly with customers either face to face, individually or in a group situation. Dealing with customers face to face has a few ground rules. You must always smile greeting the customer, listen to what they are saying and always make eye contact, stay interested, address your customer by names, always thank when appropriate. Communicating by telephone is an essential part of daily life for businesses especially in the tourism sector. Using the telephone is a way of keeping in touch with one another weather its’ with customers booking or asking for advice. Customers find communicating by phone convenient and fast and cheap with instant feedback. As a travel and tourism staff it is important to answer calls quickly, greet the customer with your name and organisation, smile while you’re talking speaking clearly, listen carefully and take notes. Written communication comes in many different forms such as letters and faxes, brochures, memos, reports, documents for meetings and advertisements. This can be formal, informal or complaint. It is important to make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes, the intended message should be conveyed, make sure it is made clear who the letter is from when it was received and who it is to, handwriting should be legible and it should be appropriate language. Effective listening and questioning should be the key characteristic of customer service staff. This is important when customers are unsure about something or don’t fully understand a situation. Effective listening and questioning should be performed by maintaining eye contact when facing the speaker. Non-verbal communication is all about the way you present yourselves to others and transmit messages either intentionally or unintentionally. Making eye contact, orientation, postures, physical proximity, and gestures are all a form of non-verbal communication. Presentation is how staff and the working environment are presented to  customers which is the important in the travel and tourism sector. Personal appearance is important like wearing an appropriate dress because what you wear at work says a lot about you and the organisation that employed you, the appearance of the work place and personal hygiene is key! Staff will not tolerate a staff member with poor body odour or bad breath. A tidy workplace enforces a positive attitude and environment. Staff should be clean and well groomed. Teamwork is about getting along with your staff members and having an understanding of each other but at the same time getting things done accordingly together. Most work in the tourism sector is carried out by teams rather than individually. Good services and products all happen from the effort produced as a team to achieve a common goal. Team work will enforce a positive fun environment for an organisation by having the same understanding as one another developing each other’s character. Business skills are needed by customer service staff in order to carry out duties effectively which includes completing documentation that is relevant to the organisation. This also includes keeping records that are needed for internal purposes, IT skills such as sending e-mails accessing internet and using computerised reservation systems. Accuracy, legibility and complying with normal business conventions are important points to be followed. Complaint handling can be challenging but it is also rewarding and interesting. Staff in the industry must know how to handle situations and turn complaints into positive advantages. Complaints should be handled correctly with feedback so that the customer can give the organisation a second chance to put things right. Staff should listen, thank, apologise and provide support to the customer. Selling skills is bottom-line when selling products and services in travel and tourism organisations. Even staff not employed as salesman come into contact with selling when they themselves are customers, expecting the highest levels of customer service, courtesy and attention when making a purchase. Being successful isn’t something that happens. Building rapport is a state of understanding with another individual or group that enables greater and easier communication. In other words, building a rapport involves getting along with another person or group of people having things in common making communication easier and more effective. This can occur in a shop, hotel, restaurant, at home, or in an office. Factors that influence customers to buy from a business or elsewh ere  is the tidiness and cleanliness of the sales environment, the appearance of the staff, and the attitudes received by the customer. Establishing customer needs and expectations is to help the customer to state their needs and expectations clearly. Always remember that customers purchase products and services because they believe they need them. Expectations are what a customer expect to gain from the service or product received. Staff should start communication with an open question rather than questions that simply have responses like yes or no to gain more information. Features and benefits come after determining a customer’s needs and expectations. The next step is to present the product or service based on their specified requirements. The main aim in this stage of sales process is to concentrate on the features and benefits of the products using these statements during the presentation of the product†¦ Features statement highlighting the key features of the particular product, Advantage statement indicating what the product or service can do in general, and benefits statement expressing specifically what the product can do for the customer. Overcoming objections may occur after explaining the features and benefits. These may be based on price or availability of services or may resulting in insufficient choice range by the salesperson. In this stage questions will need to be asked to discover exactly why the customer is not happy and you use of persuasion will come into effect. Closing the sale is all about the persuasion of a customer to make a commitment. Product knowledge and communication skills have been used already to discover and match the customer’s needs and expectations with the right product or service. As a professional salesperson, one must truly believe that they can satisfy the prospect’s needs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tuning in for Direct Observation with Child C Essay

I have decided to use Taylor and Devine’s (1993) model of tuning in which will look at the general category of the client, the specific client, the phase of work and my own feelings. I felt it more appropriate to use this model of tuning in as this is not my initial meeting with Child C. First Level: General Category of the Client Child C is a seven year old boy. It is important at this stage of my intervention to be aware of the issues regarding the ways in which our society treats people at such a young age. It is difficult for a child’s voice to be heard; therefore it is essential that I listen and advocate on his behalf if necessary. It is important that I have a good understanding of the relevant legislation and policies and procedures which relate to Child C. Legislation The Children (NI) Order 1995 underpins all work with children and young people to ensure safe and effective practice. I recognise the welfare of the children and young people I work with is of paramount consideration. (Article 3) The Children (NI) Order 1995 recognises that children have the right to be safeguarded from sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect. â€Å"It shall be the general duty of every authority to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within its area who are in need; and So far as is consistent with the duty, to promote the upbringing of these children by their families, By providing a range and level of personal social services appropriate to those children’s needs† United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, Article 2 – seeking the views and wishes of the child. Data Protection Act (1998) I would advise the child that information from the sessions would be recorded on agency files. Also advising the child that they could access their files at any time. This complies with the NSPCC’s policies, standards and principles. â€Å"Service user should be advised that a system for record keeping exists and the purpose for this† (NSPCC, PSP’s) Policies and Procedures NSPCC policies reflect the underpinning of the Children (NI) Order 1995 and the NSPCC NI Elective Principles and Standards In relation to Child C the following principles and standards must be adhered to in order to ensure good practice. Principle 3 standard 2 – ‘ Service users are provided with information which allows them to make informed choices about receiving a service’ Principle 4 Standard 3 – ‘ A holistic assessment of the therapeutic needs of the service user is made and is used to inform all work subsequently undertaken’ Principle 4 standard 2 – ‘all service users and particularly children are entitled to therapeutic services which are led by the concerns they bring, proceed at their pace, take account of their level of understanding Theoretical considerations Counselling – The counselling should be time limited with clear specific tasks and goals which will try and ensure that child C continues to be motivated and involved. The sessions would be used to discuss and measure how child C is getting on and what he has been able to achieve between sessions. Child Developmental Theory – working with child C I will require knowledge of child development theory. This could be used to explain some behaviours of child C and also may highlight interventions that would be most appropriate in different situations. The main child development theories are Psycho Sexual Development – based on the work of Freud. Erikson’s Life Span Approach – provides another map of development. Piaget – developed a framework for child development based on the cognitive approach to understanding human intelligence. â€Å"Piaget sees the child as an organism adapting to his/her environment as well as a scientist constructing his/her own understanding of the world.† (Gross 1996, p626) Attachment and Bonding – as Child C has been separated from his father, knowledge of Attachment theory may be very relevant. Thompson’s PCS model – This is a model for understanding Child C’s problems in an anti oppressive view. It determines the landscape in terms of Personal, Cultural and Societal barriers to his full integration and acceptance in society. Use of this model may prove beneficial in determining the context of child C’s problem areas and in ensuring that I will be able to meet best practice requirements within an anti-oppressive framework. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – is concerned with helping people form realistic expectations and challenging negative assumptions that have been accepted too readily. Work is given to service users so they can test elements of this intervention themselves between sessions, practice their skills and test out conclusions in their real life situations. This model of intervention is also mixed with client centred counselling, which operates on the thinking that people tend to move towards healing on their own especially if the counsellor; Listens and tries to understand how things are from the service user’s point of view. Treats the service user with the utmost respect and regard. Is â€Å"congruent† – which means being self aware, self – accepting and having  knowledge of oneself and the client. Second Level: Specific Client Child C is a seven year old boy. Having read through the referral form I am aware that Child C had been displaying aggressive and angry behaviour in school. He comes from an unsettled home life and has experienced a high level of domestic violence within his family home. Child C has spent time living with his grandmother and is currently living in Women’s Aid accommodation. There are also issues regarding maintaining regular contact with his father. On my initial session with Child C it appeared that his aggressive displays in school had reduced somewhat, following a number of counselling sessions with my colleague. Following liaising with the Link Teacher in the school and Child C’s mother it appeared that the family dynamics had changed again, resulting in feelings of distress and fear for Child C. It became apparent that Child C had witnessed a domestic incident involving his parents, which resulted in his mother and siblings leaving the family home and seeking refuge and support from Women’s Aid. Mrs C advised that this had been an extremely difficult and stressful time for the family as a whole, particularly for Child C as he has a close relationship with his father. Child C had been engaging in the service for a number of weeks prior to my first session and it was anticipated that only a few more sessions were required in order to meet the desired outcomes. Third Level: Phase of Work Throughout the sessions with Child C it appeared that he really missed living with both his parents, although he recognised that his parents argued often and this was the reason that they were not all living together at this time. However Child C did advise that he would only want the family together if  Ã¢â‚¬Å"mummy and daddy would not fight†. Following consultation with Mrs C it became apparent that domestic violence has been a major feature of her relationship with her husband and that it has been ongoing for the past eleven years. Mrs C advised that her intention at this time is that she will not be re uniting with her husband and she is in the process of initiating divorce proceedings. Mrs C advised that she has finally had enough and fears for her safety with her husband. Mrs C also advised that her husband would never touch his children as he loved them dearly; however she was aware of the emotional impact the violence was having on them. Social Services are also involved with the family and at this time arrangements are being made with the Housing Executive to house the family in another area. A Non – Molestation Order is also in place against her husband, Child C’s father. From the initial contact it appeared the main issues to be addressed were family life and protective behaviours. The focus of immediate work was to establish a relationship of unconditional positive regard. The strategies used were influenced by Egan’s Eclectic Model of developing an appropriate relationship, formulating an action plan, looking at inner resources and transferring these skills to a fresh situation. The timescale for counselling was between 4 and 6 sessions. The tools that I employed included play therapy, art therapy techniques, worksheets focusing on establishing a therapeutic and structured discussion. Child C seemed to enjoy the sessions and engaged well. The desired outcome is to support Child C in developing a rapport with an adult and gaining an understanding of protective behaviours and the support network Child C has around him, to enable him to deal with difficult situations in the future. The main risk is Child C deciding not to engage with the service. As counselling is voluntary Child C may decide not to attend. Also, if the need for a child protection issue needs to be passed on arises, the relationship between Child C and I may be jeopardized. Fourth Level: Workers Feelings I feel that my previous sessions have gone well, however I am slightly apprehensive regarding this session, as it will be observed by my practice teacher. I do feel that we have established a good working relationship and that Child C is comfortable discussing his issues and concerns in my company, however this has developed over a number of sessions, initially both of us were quite anxious. As a student social worker I still feel slightly apprehensive about working in a counselling capacity as it is new to me; however I feel that increasing my knowledge in this area has helped reduce my anxieties. I fully appreciate that Child C may ask questions that I am unable to answer. I will ensure that I advise Child C that this is the case and that I will seek advise on the matter from my team manager.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Things Fall Apart Reflective Statement

REFLECTIVE STATEMENT Response to interactive oral on Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart When I first read Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart I found it very interesting how she was able to show us what was going on in Nigeria at that time, how he showed us the ways of living of the blacks, and whites weren’t the only ones who had a culture, but in fact were the ones who destroyed the African culture. Moreover during the interactive oral interesting themes and issues such as Town Unity and Culture were highlighted, which gave me an even more distinct insight of the characters in the book and how they were affected by these things.Achebe uses the main character, Okwonko as a vessel to depict how ‘Things Fall Apart’; in the novel, and through Okwonko we are able to adequately grasp a lot of cultural practices in Nigeria. Diction in this novel plays a major role, and it is through diction that many of the themes are unlocked and also the diction used in th e novel, effectively induces you into the culture and lifestyle of the Nigerians. Achebe uses Proverbs, Short Songs, Nigerian Words and Some Literary devices like metaphors and similes.These all contribute to keeping you in-tune with what kind of setting you are in and in this case Nigeria. The women in this novel are characterized too be empowered and they genuinely help each other, through Ezinma, who is even a little girl and the only daughter from Okwonko’s first wife, you can tell how strong willed she is, as she even tells her dad to eat his food when he wasn’t in the right state, she was also even seen by Okwonko as the ideal son, in contrast to Nwoye who is actually even a boy.Okwonko’s wives also in the novel stick together and look out for each other; the prepare food for each other’s children when one happens not to be around and they also even go on to lie for each other. Wrapping it all up, the interactive oral gave me a better understanding of the book and brought to light many details that were covered. Through diction and proper documentation of the novel Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart also taught me many things about Nigeria and their various cultures.

Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Code of Ethics - Essay Example Neither the physician nor the nurse examined this form as it also contained a medical power of attorney for healthcare. In addition, Mr. E was responsible for the decisions he made. On following the Texas State Law regarding the medical power of attorney, Mr. B was still not allowed to make decisions for Mr. E, unless he was unable to formulate decisions for himself. â€Å"The desire of a qualified patient supersedes the effect of a directive.†Ã‚   (â€Å"Health and safety code†, 1991) Mr. H., Mr. E’s nephew, would also never been approached to give consent regarding Mr. E’s health since Mr. E had not handed permission to his nephew to get involved with his medical condition. In simple words, Mr. H had not been accordance a go on matters pertaining Mr. E’s medical records and treatment plan and hence approaching him was illegal. This violated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This policy clearly indicates that an indiv idual’s medical information should not be shared or discussed with other individuals not involved in the management of the patient when he or she had not given any consent. By so, Mr. E’s privacy rights were violated by the nurses and physicians and hence the matter was reported to the facility ethical officer. In problem could have been avoided easily by the nurses and physicians by simply asking Mr. E if they would speak to his nephew concerning his medical information. ... In provision two of The American Nurses Association, state â€Å"the nurses first commitment is to the patient.† Nursing World (2009) supports either of the above mentioned possibilities, for instance, in Mr. E’s case; decision to be taken was for the interest of the patient. The deciding factors in cases like this entirely should involve the patient’s interests. Nursing autonomy states that nurses’ decisions should be based on what is ethical and moral. The latter decision would not be a choice in such a circumstance. Legally, the nurse should have shared liability in any negative outcome Mr. E experienced as a result of his intubation. In this situation, permission was obtained from Mr. H, a non-qualified individual and hence Mr. E’s privacy was violated and in addition, forced to succumb to procedure he never consented in written. It is always good to remember that patient’s could at all times have the final words pertaining procedures and accorded treatment. â€Å"The principal of autonomy upholds respect for decision making capacity of patients.† (Beauchamp & Childress, 1994). As a strict patient advocate, the nurse should at least have explained to Mr. E that placement of the ventilator could have been for a short while till when his pneumonia improves, then from there removed. If Mr. E. could still have refused intubation, then the nurse could have supported Mr. E’s rights for refusing the procedure. The Texas Standards of Nursing Practice clearly states that the nurse’s responsibility is to â€Å"collaborate with the client, members of the healthcare team, and, when appropriate, the client’s significant other(s) in the interest of the client’s healthcare.† (â€Å"Texas

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An Investigation of Customers on Branding - A Case Study of Samsung Essay

An Investigation of Customers on Branding - A Case Study of Samsung - Essay Example Suppliers and retailers alike should be able to let their consumers notice their products and services, and correspondingly develop their interest in these offerings (Zielke and Dobbelstein 2007). Trying the product is critical towards the path to satisfaction and for developing their preference of the brand; the latter develops loyalty behaviour towards the company and their goods. Given this process, the first trial of a brand plays a particularly critical part. From an organisation’s point of view, knowledge and understanding of the factors that determine the willingness of customers to purchase a particular brand is necessary for product or service development (Zielke and Dobbelstein 2007). Majority of the research about brands have focused on understanding the influences of brand awareness and image (Keller 1993). Other studies have delved into the ways with which customer experiences can be developed (Berry 2000; Vargo and Lusch 2004). Knowing one’s consumer is a primary principle of brand management and marketing. Consumers, however, are not fixed targets owing to the fact that they often change their needs and preferences(Zielke and Dobbelstein 2007). Moreover, existing customers of a brand likewise change their habits on purchasing and consumption. In addition, new customers come into the market with their personal needs, preferences and characteristics (Corstjens and Lal 2000). Given all these, this era has taken a more customer-oriented approach to commerce, implying that changes on customer attitudes towards brands are to be expected. The ways with which brands are developed and managed shall correspondingly change in the coming years (Zielke and Dobbelstein 2007). Customer-centric commerce alter the transactions between companies and individuals, resulting in a relationship that is mutually beneficial to both parties. Since it is necessary that companies be able to identify the needs and preferences of customers to develop and customize their brands in a way that will provide satisfactory experiences among consumers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Information Systems Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Information Systems - Case Study Example the investment and brand-building phase and have yet to show a profit. However, as e-businesses shift their focus (Hoffman, D.L. and Novak, T 2000) from building a customer base to increasing revenue growth and profitability, they should re-evaluate their current business strategies, if any, and develop strategies that provide a clear path to profitability. Networking and Internet technology have been successfully implemented at REI to create a very strong value chain. In the mind of the consumer, all three REI entities (seventy stores, two Web stores, and an adventure-theme travel service) can be viewed as one. E-commerce is fundamentally changing the economy and the way business is conducted. E-commerce forces companies to find new ways to expand the markets in which they compete, to attract and retain customers by tailoring products and services to their needs, and to restructure their business processes to deliver products and services more efficiently and effectively. However, despite rapid and sustained development of e-commerce, many companies doing e-business are still in the investment and brand-building phase and have yet to make a profit (Zwass 1998). ... tailoring products and services to their needs, and to restructure their business processes to deliver products and services more efficiently and effectively. However, despite rapid and sustained development of e-commerce, many companies doing e-business are still in the investment and brand-building phase and have yet to make a profit (Zwass 1998). Many e-businesses (or Internet companies) have focused on the visual attractiveness and ease of use of their Web sites as the primary method of increasing their customer base. However, as e-businesses shift their focus from building a customer base to increasing revenue growth and profitability, they should re-evaluate their current business strategies, if any, and develop strategies that provide a clear path to profitability. This study uses McCarthy's According to McCarthy (1960) and Perreault and McCarthy (1999), a firm develops its marketing strategies by first identifying the target market for its products or services. It then develops a marketing mix-a particular combination of product, price, promotion, and place (i.e., distribution and delivery functions in the supply chain) designed to enhance sales to the target market. A unique mix of these elements in a given industry allows firms to compete more effectively, thus ensuring profitability and sustainability. For example, by coordinating various product offerings and associated price discriminations with sales promotions and effective logistics, a firm can increase its sales and profit. Since the Internet has a significant impact on the makeup of this marketing mix, Internet companies should develop strategies that take the unique nature of online marketing into account.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Extreme sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extreme sports - Essay Example Hatfield (2011) uses the analogy of triathlon to explain the difference between those perceived to be elites and non-elites by explaining that their distinct differences stem the fact that goal is vital after which being competitive follows. Mountain (2006) argues why these individuals live on the edge. Extreme sports are usually perceived by the public as acts of taking risks in an irresponsible manner. Mountain (2006) claims that they often burden the public especially the taxpayers in the event that an individual taking irresponsible risk is injured or even in need of being rescued. Interestingly, in public debates and discussion, rarely will you find individuals incorporating the negative implications of limiting accessibility to risky sports. Mountain (2006) further asserts that suppose these sporting activities are suppressed, these persons are likely to find outlet of their energy in a way that may even be more burdensome to the society. Despite the fact that extreme sports do not appeal to majority of the public, there are quite a number of persons who these activities fulfill part of their lives. Mountain (2006) points out that differences between people in the society makes the society interesting besides contributing to the diversity of cultures across the globe. It is indeed true that every person needs some level of adventure for the purpose of fulfillment. However, others need more to do so for their life excitement. According to Mountain (2006), these individuals have a personality trait referred to as Type T. Amazingly, these type of personality are not only risk takers but also the best in various fields such as entrepreneurship, innovation, management et cetera. The progress of the society can hugely be attributed to these individuals who are always willing to take risks. Unfortunately, person possessing such traits

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Arguments - Essay Example The beaches in San Diego are beautiful and famous, and the city has several other attractions such as zoo, wild Animal Park, Sea World, and Balboa Park with all the museums. Similarly, this beautiful city is distinguished for the availability of world-class goods and services, and it is one of the richest and safest cities in the United States. It is important to realize that Forbes magazine has rated San Diego as the fifth-wealthiest city in the United States and the 9th safest city in the top 10 list of safest cities in the nation. (Clemence) The city was also rated in 2006 as the fifth-best place to live in the United States, and there are several favorable conditions for happy and peaceful living in the city, including the weather, the beaches, opportunities for cultural events, availability of world-class goods and services, etc. Therefore, it is indubitable to claim that San Diego is a great place to live in. In a reflective analysis of the favorable conditions to live in San D iego, it becomes evident that the city is blessed with comfortable weather, the beaches, opportunities for cultural events, etc. The weather of the city, which is comfortable year round, is the most important reason to claim that it is a great location for happy living.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Alcan Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alcan Case Study - Essay Example In this era of computerization, IT is playing a key role in the management and reporting of exceptions so that pertinent issues could be highlighted and addressed before assuming alarming proportions. In the present case, Robert Ouelette the new CIO has three main concerns: (1) how to co-ordinate the IT functions across different countries and continents; (2) converting the IT governance function into a centralized one; and (3) monitoring the cost of IT, controlling wasteful expenditure and overseeing the usefulness of output produced by the IT function in the enterprise. The Accenture IT Governance Model Weill and Ross in their book ‘IT Governance’ define the term as â€Å"specifying the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the use of IT.† (Weill & Ross, 2004, 7 ). Some IT professionals and laymen at large seem to confuse the IT governance model with the way that IT is implemented and managed in an organization. We need to establish at the outset that IT governance does not give us the means to manage the IT department- rather it is the model through which the business manages its use of IT. Accenture has developed an IT governance model framework in which they classify industries based on (1) the pace of technology changes that they face and (2) their basis for competitive advantage, this being either product differentiation or cost. Accordingly they have identified four business classifications: (A) Efficient Predictable Operators (B) Information Integrators (3) Responsive Solution Providers and (4) New Capability Enablers. Which Quadrant Does Alcan Fall In & Why In the above stated framework, Accenture define an efficient predictable operator as one whose industry experiences a slow rate of change and competes on the basis of its operational efficiency. This is a common picture of the aluminum and allied industry where there is vertical integration among the top firms in order to take advantage of lower production costs based on volumes produced of various outputs, and very high production capacities are used to break-even point. Secondly, with the high costs of running electrolytic processes, there is a dire need for constant and reliable sources of cheaply available power. Alcan has managed to set up factories, refineries and mines at various places along the globe so that the cost of production is minimized or can be controlled to some extent, while supply of various outputs such as cans, sheets, ingots etc. is maintained. Now that the industry has overcome the lean period of the worldwide recession of the 1990s and the Russian oversupply shock that sent the price careening in a downward spiral, the price of aluminum per ounce has been increasing steadily and stands at $2,520 per tonne in 2007. I would put Alcan in the quadrant reserved for an Efficient Predictable Operator. Weill & Ross Model of IT Governance Weill and Ross have identified three questions that must be answered in order to achieve effective IT governance (Weill & Ross, 2004, 10). These are as follows: (1) What are the decisions that need to be made in order to ensure effective management and use of IT? (2) Who will need to make these decisions? (3) How will these decisions be made and monitored? In the course of their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cultural practices at high altitudes that affect reproduction and Essay

Cultural practices at high altitudes that affect reproduction and maturation. Specify what those things are - Essay Example Since earth is a globe with places of high and low altitudes the people surviving in high altitudes have to retain certain cultural practices to maintain their health quotient. Human beings highest priority at all time were to safeguard its own species and as a result reproduction and maturation always had upper hand in their life. â€Å"Generally High altitude residents engage in cultural practices that modify the effect of hypoxia on energy availability as well as other attributes of the high altitude environment†(Hornbeing,49).It is seen that people living in High altitude like Tibet, and Nepal practice many cultural practices which positively affected their reproduction and maturation level High altitudes lack oxygen which can result in degeneration of cells and affect the overall health of human being, certain cultural practices improved their living conditions. The culture practice of retreating to lower lands during pregnancy Human being is largely depended on their nat ural environment for survival and sustenance and irregularities in their environment can have a significant effect on his health and wellbeing. For human, the process of growth and development is a crucial issue, and every thing initiates with healthy reproduction and maturation of offspring. ... nt to which the high altitude climate can affect the fertility and maturation of an individual .Generally less malfunctions are noticed and this could be the effect of the cultural practices used by the indigenous people living in that specific region. As per (Russo)â€Å"Babies born to mothers living at high altitudes tend to be smaller than babies from lower altitudes. The reduced flow of oxygen to the placenta can slightly retard the baby's growth, and this can increase some of the risks to the baby (particularly if it is born prematurely)†.This could be a main reason the women move to lower altitude where oxygen is abundant that can assure a better health for the themselves and their unborn child Social aspect of moving to lower altitude for birth It is widely seen that Tibetan and Nepalese women descend to lower altitude during pregnancy to avoid the high altitude stress prevalent in cold regions. Tibetan and Nepalese people have unique adaptation capability in comparison to normal people and have better fertility rate than women of lower altitudes. However, they come to lower altitudes to avoid the morning sickness, nausea and other illnesses they confront during they times of pregnancy. Generally a deficiency of oxygen in the blood level can result in seizure, fatigue, coma or even death to women as she is in pregnancy stages. So in order to avoid these fatal conditions the women in high altitudes mostly move to lower altitudes to have a safe pregnancy period and healthy child. Every culture wants to protect their people and reproduction is the main source by which we populate and expand our generation. The women in the high altitudes realized that during pregnancy they experience high difficulty in breathing and they knew this could affect health and maturation

Project management yara2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project management yara2 - Essay Example From the fact that resources will always remain limited, managers are required to manage the limited resources using systematic ideas, effective methods and theories and good setting of standards to ensure the project succeeds without unnecessary expenditures. Most project managers whose projects have failed can be traced to the poor interpretation of resource availability. It is on this point that the project managers are required to involve all round resource management skills to avoid failing vital company products. An all-round resource management in this case includes both financial and human capital. The elements needed for effective project management under the limited resources include the ability of the managers to plan, organize, direct, coordinate, control and evaluation of the whole process. These elements are always expected to form a key part of any project at the starting point. Knowing or noting the importance of these elements during project is not enough to steer th e project towards success. Leadership traits and practical aspects of the project management must take center stage. A number of projects have failed despite the availability of resources due poor leadership. One of the elements of project management leadership is involvement of all and accurate communication. Good project management must involve a gradual process of introduction of any new items or changes. This study will focus on good project management from leadership to the practical point (Meredith and Mantel, 2012). Organizations and individual managers have experienced a series of project failures. These failures can be traced to poor management within the organization and the project team. The difference between successful and failed projects has been pointed out to be the management aspect. Successful project management as portrayed by this study requires effective management from the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Factors Influencing the Use of Presidential Veto Essay Example for Free

Factors Influencing the Use of Presidential Veto Essay The democratic system of government relies mainly upon the proper functioning and the harmonious relationship between its three main branches: The Executive Department which has the power to execute the law; b) the Legislative Branch which has the power to propose, enact, amend and repeal the law; c) the Judiciary which has the power to interpret the law. Our constitution has divided these three most important functions to these three departments which are considered co-equal and supreme authority within their own domain. The principle of separation of powers has for its aim the prevention of the over concentration of authority in one person or group of persons that might lead to an error or abuse to the prejudice of the whole state. The idea is that the separation of power will produce greater action on the part of these three departments, prevent any of these three departments from over-extending their authority to the point of encroaching into the domains of the other department, to prevent the possibility of abuse by any department in the exercise of its power and to obtain maximum efficiency in the delivery of public service. Austin Ranney (1995) once said that any concentration of powers in a single branch is tyrannical and only true separation of powers will protect the liberties of the people against the aggressions of government. (Austin Ranney, p. 240) Checks and Balances The US Constitution has provided for the principle known as the checks and balances. Under this principle, the constitution has given each department certain powers by which it may restrain the other department from improvident action. This enables the whole state to maintain the right balance among them and preserve the will of the sovereign as expressed in the constitution. Thus, pursuant to the principle of Checks and Balances, one department is allowed to resist encroachments made by one department against another or to rectify mistakes and errors committed by the other department. The principle of separation of powers should not however be interpreted to mean that there is a sibling rivalry of some sort in the exercise of the powers of these departments. The fact remains that even if one department may control, interfere with or encroach upon the acts done by another department pursuant to the constitution, it is still the policy that each department have to interact with one another to achieve a unity of purpose. There is therefore no wall of isolation or animosity among the three departments. Blending of Powers Corollary to the principle of separation of powers and the checks and balances is the principle of blending of powers which is very evident in the manner every democratic government runs. In the performance of a constitutional task, one department acts in a manner complimentary to or supplementary to the other. The principles of separation of powers, checks and balances and blending of powers can be adequately explained in the manner of enactment of laws and statutes. The principle of separation of powers provides that to the legislative belongs the power and authority to enact, amend and repeal a law. To the executive department belongs the power to implement the law. Thus bills are passed by Congress and sent to the President for his approval. The principle of checks and balances is manifested in the way the president vetoes the bills passed by the Congress. The power to veto bills passed by Congress is stated under Article 1 Section 7 of the United States Constitution, to wit: â€Å"Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. (Article 1, Section 7, United States Constitution) Though the Congress enacts the law, the president has the prerogative to reject the law through his exercise of the veto power. In effect, the President, theoretically, can indirectly become a lawmaker by rejecting bills passed by Congress and by proposing to the Congress that certain bills be passed. The same is true for Congress which may greatly influence the exercise of the President of his authority to implement the law. It is clearly stated in the US Constitution that it has the power to override the veto power of the President provided it has the required numbers supporting it, to wit: â€Å"If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. † (Article 1, Sec 7, United States Constitution) In addition, to its power to override presidential veto, Congress may opt to exercise pressure to the president by not confirming certain presidential appointments which the constitution has delegated to the Legislative Branch. In addition, the Congress may also exercise its power to commence and initiate its power of Impeachment. (Gary W. Copeland) In effect, the Congress if it really wants to enact a bill into law may convince the President with the exercise of its power to sign the bills into law. Factors Why the President Veto Legislation There are different views on the president’s exercise of his veto power. Some say that the more the president exercises his veto power the more effective leader he is. (Jong R. Lee) The theory is that a president who can influence the Congress is more likely to veto a bill and once vetoed this bill will not be overridden by Congress. This appears to be conclusive considering the following statistics: from the time of Washington to Nixon the veto was used 2,257 times. Out of these, only 75 vetoes or only 6% have been overridden by Congress. On the other hand, some say that the president’s exercise of veto is a sign of weakness on his part. The idea here is that if the president really had control and influence over the Congress then they would not have passed these bills that prompted the president to override them in the first place. The veto power is one of the potent weapons which a president may exercise under our democratic system of government. It is even stated that it is the power of the President to veto legislations that make him a dominant American political figure. Copeland) The veto power of the president serves as a check to the power of the Legislative branch to make laws by exercising its veto power. One of the reasons cited for the exercise of the veto powers is because the bill is unconstitutional. The primary function of the President is not to please his political party or to please the electorates. His main responsibility is to protect the constitution and to ensure that the laws are passed i n accordance with the United States Constitution. As its protector, the Constitution has expressly given the president the power to veto bills which are unconstitutional. Thus, several presidents have in the past vetoed bills on the ground of their unconstitutionality. Thus, consider President Andrew Jackson who vetoed bills that seek to extend the charter of the Second Bank of the United States because he insisted the Bank was beyond the power of Congress to create. (Bruce Fein) Aside from the bill’s unconstitutionality, the president has also in the past vetoed bills based on serious ethical and moral grounds. One particular example is HR 810 or the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2006 which authorized the Secretary of State to conduct and support research that utilizes human embryonic cells. This bill was vetoed by the president. (â€Å"Message to the House of Representatives†) In his veto message dated July 19, 2006, President George W. Bush states that as though he is in favor of exploring the potentials of the research on stem cell, he however is apprehensive about the ethical repercussions of the said research. Signing this bill will allow the deliberate destruction of human embryos for the purpose of research which is damaging to our nation. In addition, it is widely acknowledged that the past president have used the veto power not merely to protect the constitution. The president has in the past used the veto power not merely as a means for protecting the constitution but also for various political purposes. It bears stressing that not all presidents have the support of the Congress. Several presidents in the past have to contend with a hostile Congress to get the needed legislations they wanted. If the president would not be firm in his response, it is possible that certain important pieces of legislations may not be passed at all. To avoid this from happening some presidents in the past have resorted to the extreme method of vetoing more laws to remind that that he holds the power. Consider the case of Franklin D. Roosevelt who in the past occasionally vetoed a piece of legislation simply to remind Congress that he is still in control (Richard E. Neustadt 1976) Harry Truman and Gerald Ford used the veto power for the purpose of determining differences in Congress to build a political base. (Neudstadt) It is the essence of democracy that the legislative and executive departments though they perform different tasks are co-equal. This may or may not be advantageous for the whole citizenry depending on the condition of the nation. It may happen that the country may experience economic difficulties. During this time, laws must be swiftly passed so that the needs of the people will be addressed more quickly. The ideal reaction would be that the Congress should communicate with the President so that they will have an understanding of what kind of laws need to be passed that can help improve the lives of the people. However, the exact opposite happens during economic difficulties. It is at this point that everybody wants to go grandstanding thinking that it is his best time to point the blame to another politician. It is at this time when every politician wants to be recognized for the littlest things he has done in the past. It is because of this reason that during economic difficulties and hardships there are more bills that are being vetoed by the president. Research has also shown that the president who feels that more voters are in his favor are more likely to use the veto power. The idea here is that the more the president thinks that he has the electorate on his side the more that he will tend to exercise this power to veto legislation. This could be measured by analyzing the results of the election in the past, the higher the votes the president gets the more likely it is that he will exercise this power. The political party who sponsored the bill may also influence the decision of the president whether he will veto it or not. The theory is that the more votes the bill receives from the members of his own party in Congress, the more likely that the president will sign the bill into law. On the other hand, the less votes the bill receives from the members of his own party, the more likely it is that the president will not sign the bill into law. Normally, when a bill is sponsored by a representative from a political party different from that o the president, the best thing for him to do if he seeks to have the bill passed into law is to compromise with the president and the other political party. Compromise can be manifested by deleting some portions of the bill which is objectionable on the part of the other political party. It bears stressing that if the sponsor of the bill refuses to eliminate these objectionable portions it is more likely that the president will likewise refuse to sing the bill into law and veto it. Conclusion The democratic system of government is indeed a complex system which requires the proper balance among its three branches. Based on the foregoing, there are many factors why a president may make use of his veto power. It could be because of the personality of the president. There are some presidents who are more inclined to veto legislations because they feel they have support of the electorate. President may also veto legislation because of the person sponsoring the bill. It is possible if the sponsor of the bill is someone other than a party mate of the president and the former does not make any compromises with the president such as deleting any objectionable portion of the bill then it is possible that the bill may be vetoed. Also, it could be because of the defects in the bill itself such as it is unconstitutional, unethical and immoral or may be because it is not yet timely.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History of US Voting Rights

History of US Voting Rights There are many reasons why people do not vote, and why it is necessary to vote. Many of us take our right to vote for granted. Our state and federal governments, however, have been instrumental in the past in denying different groups of people-including women, African-Americans, young people, people who didnt own land and who couldnt pay poll taxes, and people who couldnt read and write-the right to vote. And throughout history these groups of people have organized, struggled, and fought for their right to vote. This activity presents a brief history of voting rights in this country. In modern America, almost everyone can vote who wants to. But it wasnt always that way! Here are some of the groups that have been blocked from voting over the past two hundred years. Women for many years only men were allowed to vote. Women were considered too emotional to make wise choices. It took 75 years of protesting before women won the right to vote through the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920. Susan B. Anthony dedicated the next five decades of her life fighting for the right to vote, and all for a cause that would not succeed until the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment fourteen years after her death in 1906. Susan B. Anthony famous trails in 1873 helped pave the way for womens right to vote and she once stated it was we, the people; not we, white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens, but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. When this country was first founded, only White men who owned land were allowed to vote. Lawmakers believed that only property owners had enough at stake in the country to vote responsibly. By the early 1800s, the property requirement was replaced with a poll tax, which required citizens to pay a special fee in order to vote. Poll taxes were made illegal by the 24th amendment to the Constitution in 1964. For many years, voting was restricted to adults 21 years and older in some states. During the Vietnam War era, many people argued that if you were old enough to fight and die for your country, you were old enough to vote. The 26th Amendment, passed in 1971, granted the right to vote to everyone 18 or older. Some states only allowed people who could read or write to vote. State lawmakers believed that only people who could read and write could get the information they needed to make smart choices. Nowadays, there are many ways to get information that do not involve reading and writing. The 1965 Voting Rights Act banned literacy tests. The Constitution did not specifically restrict voting to White people, but also African-Americans it stated that only freemen or people who were not slaves could vote. This made it illegal for most African-Americans to vote until after the Civil War. The 15th Amendment, passed in 1870, allowed Black men (not women) to vote. After that, many states passed new laws to restrict Black voting. Literacy tests, poll taxes, and intimidation were methods used to limit Black voting. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 did away with all these restrictions on who could vote. It also set up a system to make sure that the new law would be followed. Most People do not think their vote matters/counts. Most People do not Why man First, why its important to vote, most citizens believe that their vote does not matter and do not vote for that reason. Second, another reason is some citizens do not know how or where to vote. Finally, some citizens just figure its a waste of time and too much trouble, too confusing, and too much reading on which candidates to vote for. The research weve found was very fascinating. As we conducted our own surveys with my fellow students, I couldnt believe that just a little over half my class were registered to vote. According to the audience analysis on July 4, 2010, here in our Political Science 101; we surveyed 28 students and out the 28 students we found 58% of the students are register voters. The other 42% did not take the voting seriously. According to the Historical Voter Registration and Participation in Statewide General Elections from 1910-2008, the eligible citizens to vote in the Presidential election held in November 2008, were 23,208,710, only 13,743,177 cast a vote, meaning only 59.2% of the registered voters participated in the November 2008 Presidential Election. During the Presidential primary elections held in February 5, 2008, only 28.22% of women voters are registered participated. American voting habits are particularly striking when compared with those of other democratic nations, like Japan and Germany, where 89 percent of the potential voters go to the polls. In fact, most democracies have about 80 percent voter participation. Of the 153 democracies in the world, the United States ranks near the bottom for voter involvement. National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960-2008. The chart below provides information about voter statistics, including age of voting population, voter registration, and turnout from 1994- 2008. Year Voting-age population Voter registration Voter turnout Turnout of voting-age population (percent) 2008* 231,229,580 NA 132,618,580* 59.2% 2006 220,600,000 135,889,600 80,588,000 37.1% 2004 221,256,931 174,800,000 122,294,978 55.3 2002 215,473,000 150,990,598 79,830,119 37.0 2000 205,815,000 156,421,311 105,586,274 51.3 1998 200,929,000 141,850,558 73,117,022 36.4 1996 196,511,000 146,211,960 96,456,345 49.1 1994 193,650,000 130,292,822 75,105,860 38.8 First, many citizens do not vote because they dont believe that their vote count and deters them from voting. Another contributing factor is that their parents never did so why should they start or do so. Most individuals believe it is a waste of time and too much trouble, too much reading and too confusing on which candidates to vote for. Most people do not have time to learn about the issues and candidates. Also many people are not registered to vote and do not want to vote because that can cause them to go on jury duty. The solution for these problems can be slightly taken care of by each state has its own registration deadline. Once a citizen decides to take responsibility to vote, that person must register to vote. He or she must register, you can go online and go to or pick up a form in person at any number of public offices (library, DMV, post office, county election office, city clerk, etc.) or you can call 1-800-345-VOTE to request a form to be mailed to you. Finally, you as a citizen of the United States need to educate yourself on the candidates and the issues before you vote and get the facts. Do not become like most people that go to the polls and cast your vote without knowing about the candidates. Its your job as a citizen to know, not just who is running for president but also to know who is running for Senate or House seats. Its your duty and right to formulate your votes based on the research you have done, not on what you heard through television ads, but its your duty to read local newspapers to learn more about the local elections, such as mayoral race, as well as special issues that maybe on the ballot. Its your duty to read as much as you can, and remember voting is one of the fundamental processes, which is instrumental in the development of a healthy democracy. In the essay about why do not people vote, we gave you a brief history of voting over the past years, we gave you reasons why people do not vote and some solutions that can make the voting problem a bit less than what it is. We also given reason why its our duty and how important it is for each of us to register and do our civic duty and its our responsibility as citizens to take this seriously. Everyone wants their voice to be heard and their opinion to count. The only way to do that is to go register if you have not already and to vote smart, remember only 59 percent of Americans vote in presidential election, and you can make a difference.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement :: Philosophy of Education Teaching Essays

My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Every person has an opinion about one thing or another about our educational system. I want to become more familiar with the current educational issues. In doing this, I will need to be respectful and open minded about the issues at hand and understand that they will be different and challenging to me. I will also expect in return that in return that people will treat me with the same courtesy given to them. Throughout this philosophy statement, I will discuss some of my educational opinions and goals based upon my brief experiences. Knowing that they will change over the years I wish you to know that the one thing that remains the same is I will always keep the best interest of my students at heart. I do hope that you will enjoy my insight even if you do not agree, because like the title says, this is " From My Eyes Only." In my brief experience with the education system, I do realize that it is not perfect. I will keep this within the realm of only my experience and my own projected plans for the future. Being in the education system currently, I understand how important it is to keep up with advancing technology. In the future I plan to remain well informed. In doing this I plan to attend classes and seminars. I will get involved in my community, with a focus on how it stands within our country. I will remain focused upon giving my students the best opportunities for them. I expect my students will vary based upon their previous backgrounds. They will be coming into my classroom young, (ages 5-12) happy, lonely, sad, eager, and scared. After breaking the initial barrier that is formed during the first part of school there will be changes. Overall, they will be happy, active and have a desire to learn. They will also become more familiar with each other and become friends. During t he year that I have my students they will grow and be more prepared for the next stage of development in their lives. I feel that the nature of knowledge is relative, constructed differently according to person, place and time.

Disneyland Essay examples -- Disney Amusement Parks essays research pa

Disneyland   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The greatest place on the face of the earth is Disneyland. Nowhere else has the magic that a day at Disneyland possesses. From my childhood to my adulthood, I have never experienced a day at Disneyland that didn't put enough joy in my heart to far exceed the admission price. Rides, shops, shows, and characters. These are just a few of the many great aspects of a wonderful place called Disneyland.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disneyland has always been a very special place to me. My parents took my family there for the first time when I was about three. To this day I still remember shaking Mickey Mouse's hand, giving Goofy a hug, and meeting all of the rest of my favorite Disney characters. It was a truly euphoric experience to meet stars of all my favorite cartoons that I so loyall...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Merchant of Venice Essays: Secular and Religious Views :: Merchant Venice Essays

Merchant of Venice - Secular and Religious Views The secular and religious views of both, Antonio and Shylock,   were portrayed very bluntly. The religious opinions of both characters   were that their religion was superior to infidels and also very   stereotypical. In the business world, Antonio owned ships with   valuable goods and was extremely generous. He always relied on their   return to shore and expressed his faith in this book. On the other   hand, Shylock was a greedy man and used the Bible for sources of   interest to collect more money. Relating to religious views Antonio   and Shylock were very parallel, but in means of business the two were   reverses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "I[Shylock] hate [Antonio] for he is a Christian. . . [Antonio]   hates our sacred nation." This phrase said by Shylock, a Jew, is based on the beliefs of other Jews upon other Christians. Shylock is   being very stereotypical because Shylock doesn't really know Antonio,   Shylock heard of Jew-hating Christians, so he thinks that all   Christians hate Jews. Antonio happens to be a great man and Shylock   didn't even give him a chance, he just hates Antonio for being of   different religion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "The Hebrew[Shylock] will turn Christian; he grows kind."   Antonio says this, thinking that no Jews are kind, emphasizing naiveness. Then Antonio sees the Hebrew, Shylock, becomes amiable, so   he believes that's impossible. So Antonio interprets the scenario as   Shylock being Christianized, because he is becoming   generous. This   quotation shows how Antonio thinks that his religion, Christianity, is   superior to Judaism. The previous quotation illustrated how Shylock   was stereotypical about Christians. Both characters have similar   beliefs about other religions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Why, fear not, man, I will not for felt it! Within these three   months- that's a month before this bond expires-I do expect, return of thrice three times the value of this bond." This phrase was said by   Antonio assuring Shylock that his ship with all his goods will return   with the interest that Antonio owes Shylock for borrowing money. This   shows Antonio's trust in his ship even though there were strong winds   and high chances that his ship will be overturned. Antonio is very   naive about the real world of business and no matter what happens he   thinks he will be successful.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, Shylock is a wise business man, but very   greedy.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Architectural Literature Review on Sustainability of Malaysian Architecture

In Summary of the below, review on sustainability of Malaysian Architecture is been understood and analysed. The literature review prescribes the re-examining on the methodologies and architectural experimentation that had been directed by the Malaysian architectural calling towards the quest for a national personality in structural engineering towards a sustainable group. The main part is examined on the endeavour and talk that had been led which included general society and private segments. Modellers, benefactors and people in general had directed experimentation on the different methodologies and perspectives relating to the issue of a Malaysian architectural personality through talk, works and architectural configuration. It was discriminatingly guaranteed that architectural practice in Malaysia still needs profundity in its hypothetical methodology and powerless in it development usage which prompt an emergency in the calling. The emergency on the Built Environments' instruction programmes in the course of the most recent two decades additionally has advanced the expert practice of construction modelling having arrived at substandard level with no fitting philosophical and hypothetical methodology. The flop on the mission for a character in building design throughout the previous four decades was traced to modellers and different implementers neglecting to scatter the plans and aims to the grass roots level. No records or apparent might be discovered to uphold the idea that the plans of looking for a national character in building design has been conveyed to grass root or open level. It is basic that present era of designers and implementers of the calling re-assessing the thought and making further mission auspicious. II) Introduction Sustainability is an issue of pressing desperation yet it is additionally a buzzword with small substance. Literates wish to demarcate the importance of Sustainability inside the setting of our main event as draftsmen. They are completely conscious that architecture is not fate it can make the conditions for additional reasonable environments however can't compel individuals to act in foreordained ways. It then takes after that we must plan to suit neighbourhood societies, atmosphere and traditions, making environments that will be passed on from era to era, enduring life-compass a crux part of sustainability. To accomplish this, the outline must consider people to mould and personalise their own particular environments. Sustainability is the general idea of utilizing less to accomplish more. Sustainability in architecture is not simply a matter of additional items or item particular. It includes more than encasing, sun oriented boards and rainwater tanks. Rather, it impacts how we ponder planning a building and whatever shapes it in the end takes. Seeking after a natural plan is not a demand yet rather a major stimulus towards an architecture that is creative, huge, and important. Economical outline recognizes the dynamic collaboration of buildings with their instantaneous regular setting and encompassing powers. It is these connections on which the configuration process centres to the extent that on the resultant type of the building. Sustainability requires a specific path of working -clear objectives set at the undertaking commencement and close cooperation between customer, draftsman and designs all through the procedure. There is no such thing as green architecture or a green stylish. Rather there are endless ways configuration can address and incorporate issues of sustainability. Since the development of the Petronas Twin Towers, Malaysia, and its capital Kuala Lumpur specifically, has turned into a reference in architecture worldwide. In this manner, it is not amazing to see it prepare other foremost edifices. Just this time, the primary centre is not stature, at the same time, actually, that they are great illustrations of bioclimatic and sustainable architecture. III) Review Sustainability implies that a methodology or state might be kept up at a certain level for with the expectation that is needed. A standout amongst the frequently refered to meanings of sustainability is the one made by the Brundtland Commission, advanced by the previous Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Commission outlined economic improvement as improvement that helps the present without bargaining the capacity of future eras to meet their own particular needs. Sustainability identifies with the coherence of financial, social, institutional and environmental parts of human social order, and additionally the non-human environment. Sustainability is one of the four Core Concepts old-fashioned Universal Forum of Cultures. Sustainability likewise implies that your something is dependably the same and does not change. Architecture in Malaysia is a mixture of numerous styles, from Islamic and Chinese styles to those carried by European colonists. Malay architecture has adapted because of these impacts. Houses in the north are comparative to those in Thailand, while those in the south are comparable to those in Java. New materials, for example glass and nails, were acquired by Europeans, modifying the architecture. Houses are manufactured for tropical conditions, raised on stilts with high roofs and expansive windows, permitting air to move through the house and cool it down. Wood has been the primary building material for much of Malaysia's history; it is utilized for everything from the basic kampung to imperial palaces. In Negeri Sembilan customary houses are truly free of nails. Besides wood, other regular materials, for example bamboo and leaves were used. The Istana Kenangan in Kuala Kangar was inherent 1926, and it the main Malay castle with bamboo dividers. The Oral Asal of East Malaysia lives in longhouses and water villages. Longhouses are raised and on stilts, and can house 20 to 100 families. Water villages are likewise based stilts, with houses joined with boards and generally transport by boats. Chinese architecture could be partitioned into two sorts, accepted and Baba Nyonya. Baba Nyonya families are made of colourful tiles and have huge indoor patios. Indian architecture accompanied the Malaysian Indians, reflecting the architecture of southern India where generally began from. Some Sikh architecture was likewise imported. Malacca, which was a conventional middle of exchange, has an expansive assortment of building styles. Imposing wooden structures, for example the Palace of Sultan Mansur Shah exist from right on time periods. Chinese impact could be seen in shiningly enlivened sanctuaries and terraced shop houses. The biggest remaining Portuguese structure in Malacca is the A Famosa post. Other frontier building could be the Dutch Stadthuys, the Dutch Colonial town block buildings, and buildings constructed by the British, for example the Memorial Hall, which joins together Baroque and Islamic architecture. The shapes and sizes of houses vary from state to state. Regular components in Peninsular Malaysia incorporate pitched roofs, verandas, and high top sides, raised on stilts for ventilation. The woodwork in the house is regularly complicatedly cut. The carpets are at distinctive levels relying upon the capacity of the room. Mosques have generally been dependent upon Javanese architecture. In cutting edge times, the government has pushed distinctive projects, from the tallest twin buildings on the planet, the Petronas Twin Towers, to an entire enclosure city, Putrajaya. Malaysian firms are improving tower plans that are in particular for tropical climates. Malaysian Architecture is one of the most respected Architecture and design in the world based on the fact that no matter how small Malaysia is it still has nice design concept and a relatively good sustainability in its Architecture, Malaysia is well known for its Petronas Twin tower and other amazing structure in the building industry. Sustainability in Malaysian Architecture has still not been attained as Education on that should be promoted in schools and educational institutes Architects all over the world and in Malaysia should make use of sustainable materials in building construction designs in that way a sustainable Architecture â€Å"Careful selection of environmentally sustainable building materials is the easiest way for architects to begin incorporating sustainable design principles in buildings. Traditionally, price has been the foremost consideration when comparing similar materials or materials designated for the same function. However, the â€Å"off-the-shelf† price of a building component represents only the manufacturing and transportation costs, not social or environmental costs. † As sited by (Jong-Jin Kim, Assistant Professor of Architecture, and Brenda Rigdon, Project Intern; Edited by Jonathan Graves, Project International; College of Architecture and Urban Planning the University of Michigan, in Qualities, Use, and Examples of Sustainable Building Materials 2012). Some materials used in construction processes are listed below. Limestone * Limestone is maybe the most pervasive building material acquired through mining. It is utilized as a cladding material and assumes a paramount part in the preparation of an extensive variety of building items. Concrete and plaster are evident illustrations of items that depend on limestone; less evident is the utilization of limestone in steel and glass creation. Steel * Steel requires the mining of iron ore, coal, limestone, magnesium, and other fellow components. To process steel, iron must first be refined from crude ore. The iron ore, together with limestone and coke (heat-refined coal) are stacked into an impact heater. Sultry air and blazes are utilized to dissolve the materials into pig iron, with the contaminations (slag) drifting to the highest point of the molten metal. Aluminium * Aluminium, determined from bauxite ore, requires a huge measure of raw material to generate a minor measure of last item. Up to six pounds of ore may be instructed to yield one pound of aluminium. Bauxite is for the most part strip-mined in tropical rainforests, a process that presupposes uprooting vegetation and topsoil from substantial ranges of land. The point when mining is finished, the dirt is swapped. The land may then be permitted to come back to rainforest, however is more prone to be utilized as farmland Bricks and Tiles * Dirt and adobe soil must likewise be mined. They are for the most part discovered in shallow surface stores, and assembling is frequently done close-by, lessening extraction and transportation costs. With the exemption of adobe, blocks and tiles must be let go to be handy building materials. The booting methodology uncovered the shaped mud to high, delayed high temperature, preparing a hard, water-verification, lasting block or tile. The terminating procedure can take hours or even days and requires an imposing measure of vigour. Coated blocks and tiles are terminated twice: first to make the shape changeless then afterward to soften and follow the coated completion, which typically holds glass. The finished item has tremendously typified vigour however is likewise exceptionally dependable. Indeed, without booting, fittingly kept up adobe blocks can most recent 350 years or more. Wood * Wood is the collected material generally ordinarily utilized within edifices and building items. Dimensional wood is utilized as a part of surrounding the lion's share of private edifices and numerous business structures. Wood items, for example plywood, particleboard, and paper are utilized widely all through the development business. Until later years, the ost well-known technique for collecting wood was clear-decreasing, a procedure wherein all vegetation inside a given zone is evacuated for handling. Notwithstanding, where clear-cutting happens, lumber associations are obliged to replant the region. Petro-Chemicals * The building business is remarkably subject to materials inferred from petroleum and natural gas. These are utilized within an extensive variety of items incorporating plasti cs, glues for plywood and particleboard, covered ledges, isolation, covering, and paints. Boring for oil and gas is both perilous and exorbitant. Overwhelming apparatus is needed, and tainting of the groundwater and soil is regular. Broad worry about energy conservation, global warming and exhaustion of the planet's non-renewable assets has conceived the green building development, with its thought of sustainable architecture that appears to be mushrooming over the planet. Essentially put, green buildings speak for outline and construction that are touchy to nature now and sometime later. Green building is not a normal practice in Malaysia due to the exceptional tests these systems face. This exploration was led to recognize the principle impediments to the headways of green buildings improvements in the nation and how to incorporate more contribution from the gatherings in the construction business to embrace this methodology. The ideas and perspectives of identified gatherings in building industry were acquired from organized questions and case studies which have been recognized to give a clearer picture of the present scenario of the green building advancements in Malaysia. Recommendations on the most proficient method to increase more presentation for green buildings were likewise procured. In light of the discoveries, it was inferred that the principle obstructions are absence of cognizance, instruction and qualified data on the profits of the construction of green buildings. It is critical for us Malaysians to get an ideal model change and begin taking a gander at greener choices which are all the more ecologically neighbourly and diminishes energy utilization. Making consciousness additionally is the first and grandest venture to guarantee that green buildings are setting down deep roots. Sustainable Architectural design does not necessarily mean the use of highly termed technologies and modernised applications in the building construction sector but rather holding and not letting go of past designs and finding such many ways to sustain Architectural design to be moderate and useful to the people as quoted by (Professor Iain Borden, in Sustainability and architectural design, 2010) â€Å"Architecture is not just about technology, and we need social propositions as to how architecture interacts with lifestyle and urban design. Here the imaginative and creative architecture can help to speculate about possible futures outside of some of the more usual constraints of commercial architectural practice† The traditional Malay house is one of the wealthiest segments of Malaysia's social legacy. Planned and assembled by the villagers themselves, it manifests the innovative and stylish aptitudes of the Malays. This is a close flawless house form which is suitable to neighborhood climatic conditions and communicates the lifestyle of its occupants. The house is to a great degree overall intended to suit the warm and sticky Malaysian atmosphere and for the multifunctional utilization of space. Its outline is likewise adaptable as it indulges the extensively distinctive needs of the clients and it has an expansion framework which permits the house to be broadened to help every family. The traditional Malay house is a timber house raised on stilts. It is basically a post-and-lintel structure with wooden or bamboo dividers and a thatched top. Windows are ample, coating the dividers and giving exceptional ventilation and sees for the house. This nature of openness is additionally reflected by the impressive open inner part spaces with negligible segments. Lim Lee Yuan mentioned in his article (Under one Roof) that â€Å"For religious reasons, most traditional Malay houses are oriented to face Mecca (i. e. in an east-west direction). This orientation minimizes the number of are as exposed to direct solar radiation during the day and, hence, the heat gains in the building. Heat retention is minimized by the lightweight, natural construction materials that have a low thermal capacity and the interior remains cool due to the insulating capability of the Atta (thatch) roof† sited by ( Lim Lee Yuan, Under one roof, 2013) So Malaysian traditional houses happens to use Religious concepts in making stays in houses more easier then. Situation that may come about because of this situation will be that Islam is tossed totally in avour of, or that it is made decidedly mediocre to, the embraced man-created perspectives and philosophies. On for the issues that structure the foundations of the applied skeleton for Islamic architecture, all around, are: taw shrouded (the thought of God's Oneness), man as the vicegerent (khalifah) on earth and his association with environment, exhaustive brilliance (ihsan or titan), and Islam as the last and all inclusive disclosure to humankind. This reasonable structure renders Islamic architecture such a remarkable subject and tremendously not quite the same as other building outflows and schools. Concentrating on the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, which because of its securing on a portion of the most essential Islamic precepts constitutes a preeminent section of the Islamic perspective, is basic. This is so for two head explanations. Firstly, by knowing and engrossing the reasonable schema for Islamic architecture, Muslim architects, and professionals in manufactured environment all in all, will own a robust base on which restoring and progressing the wonder of Islamic architecture will be effectively and surely created. Provided that the precepts on which the theoretical schema for Islamic architecture rests, penetrate an engineer's or a designer's thinking and acting standards, the aggregate conduct that starts from such a mentality is sure to be in concurrence with Islamic qualities and conviction framework. An architecture that stems from such a mentality is sure to be really Islamic as well. What's more when it starts to be, it does so spontaneously, unassumingly and truly, fitting splendidly into the grid of Muslim life exercises. It does so without any ado throughout the methodology of its imagining execution, without any ambiguities or perplexity in its substance and capacity, and without any superficialities, eccentricities and garishness in its style and manifestation. Besides, if Muslim architects, builders, engineers and even clients are new to and don't stick to the theoretical skeleton for Islamic architecture, an additional options will be looked for rather. Such plan B, definitely, will be outsider to and in this way inconsistent with the Islamic ethos and teachings. A few options will be more contradictory and others less, however sometimes will there be an elective that will be completely agreeable with Islam and its perspective. This is so since no human movement, not to ention a living framework, that is totally without a logic or a philosophy which unmistakably outlines one's perspective of the planet and all its constituents: life and its reason, passing, characteristic environment, man and his mission, time, space, history, and obviously God and His association with man and the entire of universe. So in this manner, if Muslim architects don't have the Islamic perspective or belief system, a different one will unavoidably worm in, inten tionally or unknowingly, and will hold influence over their musings and deeds. At the close, and in one of better situations, this will bring about foundered endeavours towards accommodating the received perspectives and belief systems with Islam and its own particular logic and esteem framework to which those architects will at present be subscribing. In any case, an activity of orchestrating Islam and some outside and by and large man-made perspectives and rationalities of life is a destined errand on the grounds that such a combination is unthinkable in both hypothesis and hone. That, therefore, may prompt the extent that disarray, absence of certainty, perilous bargains, laxity in religion, repugnance and even contemptuousness in Muslim architects' brain which, in turn, will be expanded onto the domain of fabricated environment and will in this way dangerously influence both the psyche and behavioural examples of its clients. The most exceedingly awful and generally terrible sctunately, large portions of today's Muslim experts in assembled environment experience both the illnesses. Another aspect of Malaysian Architecture we must look at is Micro Architecture which involves building structures like Side way toilets, pedestrian malls, Alleys etcetera. These micro architecture application in towns and cities or in a country in general are usually seen as irrelevant but in another way serves as good purpose to the people, Azmin Samsul S Tazilan also said in his article that â€Å"Micro-architecture, however, actually gives the first real impression of a town, city or country to visitors to a particular place or locale. Its impact is immediate and opinions are formed of the place and its people quite instantaneously. A lot of street micro-architecture is public amenities such as toilets and squares. Based on current phenomenology research studied, it gives a better justification on sustainable elements approach on street microarchitecture in Malaysia† sited by ( Azmin Samsul S Tazlian, Sustainability in Malaysian micro architecture, 2013) sustainability in street micro architecture should be looked at so as improve the comfort of locals and visitors alike. The current status of Malaysian Architecture has grown to a level that people out there including the Government have been wondering whether there is sustainability in construction projects of Malaysian Architecture, awareness has been laid out for need in develop and implicate strategies towards its application in built environment â€Å". In Malaysia, the issues of environmental dissatisfaction on construction projects have regularly appeared in headlines. This growing attention pushes the government and professional bodies in Malaysia to be more proactive in alleviating this problem without restraining the need for development. But, has this efforts bear fruits? Creating sustainable construction depends on the knowledge and involvement of all people involved in the industry. So, what is our level of understanding of this concept and application? This paper aims to explore the actions undertaken by the Malaysian government, non-government organisations and construction players in promoting sustainability in construction and the progress so far† as stated by (Nazirah Zainul Abidin, SUSTAINABLE CONCEPT AWARENESS IN MALAYSIA, 2011) In the article- Sustainable Towers in Malaysia by Studio Nicolette Association â€Å"Malaysia is no stranger to notorious buildings. Two of the tallest buildings in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers, are found in Kuala Lumpur, the country's capital. So it comes as no surprise to us that a stunning new residential improvement is planned for the Putrajaya waterfront regarded as Precinct 4, just 30km south of Kuala Lumpur. The design, be that as it may, is a refreshing and unique with extraordinary, marine-inspired structures – which also draw from conventional Islamic designs – orchestrated in a porous, transmitting square of bioclimatic architecture. Putrajaya waterfront advancement, Malaysia, studio Nicolette architects, sustainable towers, green Islamic towers, green Islamic architecture, marine architecture, green building, green architecture, green design, eco architecture, ecotecture, sustainable improvement, pontoon like structures, marine inspired architecture â€Å" as sited by (Studio Nicolette Association, Sustainable Towers in Malaysia, 2010) . There is need for continuation of Malaysian race towards the sustainability of building skyscrapers and tower as Malaysia once held the privilege of building the world’s tallest twin towers. This is a great achievement and success as sustainability should continue to make a brighter and better Malaysia for their children in the future. In conclusion Sustainable Architecture in whole should be maintained in Malaysia and the rest of the world as its advantages are important so rather ignoring it should be made a constant practice in building environment aspects of countries all over the world.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bureaucracy and American Character, the Spirit of Public Service And the Vision of the Common Good

Bureaucracy is a pit of laid- bulge laws and principles that have been array to govern a group of people, usu on the unhurty members of ordinary, public servants and solely involved in any activities of rival to the general public. The health care sector is comprehend as a very strategic part of the society as both its functionalities are aimed at the burstment and social welfare of the whole society. Many rules and regulations have and so been laid down to govern its operations, as salubrious as insure mettle function are volunteered to the public at the highest draw a bead on aim of dutyalism and observance of honorableity and dignity. in that locationfore, thither are limiting factors that do non allow those in healthcare professionalism to turn in just any representation they wish. Instead, they have to follow bureaucracy and ensure the tour only the best work and offer an equal chance of cosmos served to all who film the service as dictated by the government and healthcare departments as well up as the come inside(a) authorities. There are different prospects of shells and behaviors that conjointly form what is referred to as the American character.Everyone is vatic to possess some basic principles and character in all they do. They are vatic to portray hu mankindity, obligingness to invigoration, respect an oppositewise(prenominal) peoples rights and act in a manner that encourages and boosts unity, peace, good donjon conditions and all the values of the government. Every American citizen in the checkup exam exam heavens is to a greater extent strictly expect to portray this American character in their operations at all measures. A business deal of accent mark is consequently put on much(prenominal) practitioners and its a commons presentiment for them to possess the character.They are and then expected to deal with foreveryone in ingest of their function leniently and be non-partisan by counterm anding favoritism, nepotism and evacuate traditions that undermine a given ingredient of the public. They are expected to offer their services to everyone at equal chances except in peculiar(prenominal) conditions interchangeable emergencies portray a lot of professionalism and follow the set bug by rules for their profession irrespective of the pressure from opposite parties, peculiarly from thickenings.Every person in the medical checkup field is expected to demonstrate the pump of public service irrespective of their level of pull or their immediate employer, whether a government public servant or a buck private practitioner in the medical field. Unlike in many other fields, in this field a person deals directly with human beings and factors that stub pop out human low-down as well as preserving carriage.Any activity carried out in this field determine in a great deal how much suffering is reduced from a lymph gland and in very many cases, whether a guests life i s extended or lost. There is in that locationfore a need for everyone in this field to ensure they practice with a broader objective of service to the public, and turn away a focus profit-making and any other returns as a basis for their practice. Anyone with the spirit of public service will be willing to help irrespective of the accessibility of finances or rewards, only as per the need at hand.One realizes that there is a greater reward in scathe of satisfaction as well as more benefits when the focus is on public service instead of self-gain. The fancy of common good is another(prenominal) important fount expected of anyone in any profession in the country, especially in the medical field. In a nutshell, the medical field undertakes to ensure good health, reduce inconvenience oneself and suffering and generally ensure the well being of its clients, who are the general public. Therefore, there is a need to reach out to the general public and ensure its boiler character welfare.There is consequently a need for everyone in the medical practice, at whichever level, to have a vision of the common good in which one will ensure that they do not target individuals but the whole society in ensuring better healthcare and equitable access to healthcare facilities. In this way, there are more benefits for some(prenominal) the practitioners and the society, and healthcare improves and develops rapidly in the country. The dilemma There was a dilemma that was observe in one of my berths with one of the private hospitals for my profession practice.I was working under the old pay back in the hospital as one of his assisting nurses. After a hardly a(prenominal) weeks of working with him, he grew very kindly of me and shared with me most of the challenges he go about as a private medical practitioner. Most people with questionable take sampleing medical aid and avoiding the attention of the government and anyone demand to know the take usually turne d to the private hospitals and offered better payments for their services.Since most of the private hospitals were set up with an aim of making profits, most pelt to the trap of allowing activities that were considered wrong and even against the law, provided they ensured concealing of the practices and got better financial gains from such activities. On one of the solar days in my placement in the private hospital, the senior reinstate summoned me to his office where I found a young chick seated there. The madam has come to seek the services of the twist around but the adulterate thought the function of her problem too sensitive and pass on for my advice.The bird was from a long-familiar prestigious family and had been involved in a c doze offd book affair with one of the public figures in the state. After a long time of the affair, the wife of the man started suspecting what was going on and tried following on the lady as well as minacious the man with suing for a di vorce if she ever got any substantial information. Unfortunately, one day the lady recognize she had gotten pregnant and was carrying the mans pincer. They hadnt planned for any affaire more that just an affair.Once she broke the news to the man, he got so scared and thought this would fire everything up and expose him to his wife, giving her a reason for a divorce suit that would make him lose a lot of his wealth. Hence, the man requested the lady to seek for a way to carry out an spontaneous spontaneous abortion and do away with the gestation period and avoid any complications that the pregnancy would curb to. He offered to spend any amount of money for the activity. On the other hand, the lady was scared that the pregnancy would make her lose her profession as she was a well-known singer and was also in the example industry.Her clients would lose respect for her if they realized she got pregnant, especially out of wedlock and with a hook up with man. She hence had wel comed the idea of an abortion and hence the reason she was in the hospital. The make had explained to me that he had carried out a few abortions, but a allowed by the law. The law gave a provision for abortions to be carried out by a professional medical doctor if the mothers life was in danger. However, any other form of abortion was regarded as illicit.Therefore, the reasons the lady presented for the abortion were not genuine and would only lead to an illegal activity. Though the doctor would receive a high pay for the activity, it was surely against the law, against military personnel and also against the Christian faith, which we both professed. On the other side, we realized that just renounceing the offer wouldnt solve the problem as the client would just seek for the services elsewhere and still carry on with the abortion. Application of the Expected Reaction I had to have a talk with the doctor, as we sought a way forward for over coming the dilemma.Though the client k new very well what she was doing was wrong, she insisted on carrying on with an abortion just to avoid any prejudicious consequences she would face. She offered good terms of payments and this would have tempted the doctor into the activity. However, there were some values that bar the doctor from pass judgment the offer. According to bureaucracy, there was a need to follow the laws set out for the conduct of medical practitioners. A doctor or nurse was not allowed to succumb to pressure from a client and act against the laws and expectations of his profession.The law also forbids doctors from simulateing the offer from the client as committing an abortion in the given situations wasnt legal. There was hence a need to reject the offer by the client and avoid carrying out an illegal activity. Although most Americans like referring to abortion as legal, one of the major American statutes is respect and protection of life. Since scientists and medical researchers have proven with no uncertainness that life starts at conception, there is a need to avoid carrying out abortion unless it is confirmed that the mothers life is at risk.Therefore, there was a need to portray the American character of humanity, respect to life and be reasonable in dealing with the dilemma. The refore, there was no other option apart from rejecting the clients offer. In the spirit of public service, the doctor realized he had previously jilted a few other offers for carrying out abortions with no good reasons. He hence realized he couldnt treat this case as a special one just because those involved were besotted and influential. He opted to treat all as and hence rejected the offer.With a vision of common good, the doctor realized that he had a social responsibility of preserving life instead of terminating it. He hence had to take the option that would have more benefits not just to the client and the man in question, but to the society as a whole. Preservation of life was hence a better option in this aspect and hence the doctor could not accept the offer. Resolution of the Problem We had to seek for a better way of addressing the dilemma and resolve it. It was clear the doctor wasnt mantic to accept the offer.On the other hand, just rejecting the offer would resolve the dilemma since the client would seek the services of another doctor. There was hence a need to talk to the client and let her have our perspective in looking at the situation. After talking to the clients on the implication of an abortion in terms of her own health, humanity and ethical motive as well as moral values, she was willing to stop an abortion, but on condition that we offered a way out of the problems she was afraid of. We therefore looked at all the available options and finally landed on one of allowing the client to give descent and then give the child up for adoption.We were able to contact an organization from another state that would give the chance to admit her pregna ncy secret as she required it to be and then take the child for adoption. The client hence consulted the man and got comely funds from him and then moved to the other state where she stayed till she got the baby and by and by recovering, she came back and continued with her profession. The client was later on very grateful as she realized she had done a noble thing rather than committing an abortion and terminating life. We were also felicitous to realized we had followed the values of our profession in resolving the dilemma.